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Thursday, May 17, 2012

To Be Single or Not to Be Single? That is The Question, Or Maybe Just Fuck Buddies...

     Sometimes like everyone else I get lonely. I think of finding a boyfriend or just giving in to one of the guys always haggling me for dates. But I stop myself, and start thinking of all the reasons NOT to be attached to someone. At this point in my life the cons out way the pros. Yes, you know I'm about to list it up.


1. Have to respond to texts and/or phone calls within a certain period of time or you will be questioned. You know sometimes I don't feel like talking to any mother fucker. It could just be one of those days where I'm all pissy and don't give a shit. But if I was taken I could never just not respond. I'd either get bitched at, made to feel guilty, or a search team out to get me.

2. You can't keep your things the way you like them. For instance I like my sheets always tucked in the bed. My most recent ex couldn't stand tucked in sheets. I don't want to roll over while sleeping then all of a sudden all the bedding is rolling with me. Then he'd complain that I took all the blankets! Fuck you dude, don't put me in the rolling and taking position if you can't handle what happens when you do.

3. Having a bf/gf and always talking about them. This one sucks in a few ways. For one, no one really wants to hear about what's his name every second of the day. I know I've done this before and now looking back I feel like an idiot. Two, it makes you sound like you have no life, even if you do. Three, you could actually have no life and it just revolves around him/her. And that is even worse. If you have a significant other and suddenly your friends aren't calling you to go out anymore, you're doing something wrong. Or if they are and you're blowing them off, you're doing something wrong. Because from now on I'll be damned if a man comes between me and Margarita Mondays, or any of my other spending habits.

4. They don't always like your friends. This one sucks because it puts you in between two people you care about. Your man who gives you sex on a regular and your girlfriend who listens about all the problems you have with your man. Who else is going to listen to that lame ass shit and help you figure out why he refuses to leave a toothbrush at your place?

5. Having friends of the opposite sex is now an issue. I've made the mistake of ditching all my guy friends for my man before, just for my man to still dump me later for being jealous. Then of course I lost all guy friends and my man. Lose lose sista, lose lose. Jealousy is not a trait to put up with. It's insecurities brother, and neither are cute.


1. You actually have someone that cares enough to send out a search team, even if you'll get bitched at later.

2.All the things they change at your place are little reminders they were there because of you.

3. You can actually brag about having a significant other.

4. If they don't like your friends then that gives you every right to not like some of his and get away with outrageous demands.

5. Someone that cares enough to think another man could take you away from him, and he doesn't want to lose you.

      All this is nothing but bullshit. My balls get busted too much when I have a man. I need adult supervision but not that kind. You liked me for who I was before we became official so don't try to change me afterwards. So skip the man and just have a fuck buddy. No stress, less mess, and no dress. Now if I could just get a man to meet my fuck buddy demands I'd be a happy girl. But I guess asking for sex once every meal break from someone who holds a steady job and has a life is too much to ask for. Hey I'm at my prime don't judge me!

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