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Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Game Changer

     First of all sorry I've been gone so long. It wasn't my intention. Went back to Vegas, and started working there. Almost moved there even but I didn't. One reason I didn't is because I met, what I told my Mother, a game changer. Yes I met a guy, a really great guy. It's weird really, always when you least expect or want it, someone amazing comes along. I hope I'm not speaking too soon on this and jinx it.

     It all started a month or so ago. I was working my ass off at the gym twice a day. Going to work to save up for my then move to Vegas. Planning my trip to Vegas for my auditions, which by the way I made. And about a couple weeks before my Vegas trip I met Frank. I met him at work. Which is out of my norm because anyone I meet at work goes into my pervy customer section of my contacts on my phone, to be deleted later in the night. And I in general never ever date someone from work. But he was different, I didn't know that at first though. I went up to his beefy ass at the bar at work because I saw he had some interesting tattoos on the backs of his arm. Curious I asked what they meant because I could tell they were in Latin. One of my favorite languages. He completely blew me off and told me to Google it. Smitten and shocked by his reaction, I complied and Googled that shit. Why? Because I wasn't going to let him know something that I didn't know. Plus I like a feisty guy that challenges me. I discovered what it meant asked him about it and he blew me off again. Ok fucker peace out. Too bad I had already seen his friends and hung out with them the past two times they had come into the club. So of course I talked to them making sure I ignored beefy, Latin tattoo guy. It was hard though because he was so cute, but I don't do rejection. I tell him he's an asshole, and his response was no I'm a nice guy. They leave. A week goes by and they all come into the club again. This time he is a nice guy. He told me he was blowing me off because he thought I just wanted his money...lol. I give him my number not expecting a damn thing. Not even two hours later I get a text from him, and we make plans to hang out the next day. Meet up, have absolutely the most incredible, mind blowing sex I've ever had, and have been together ever since.

     Why am I telling you all this? Because this was completely out of character for me. Like I said he's a game changer. I even let him read my blog. He told me after reading it that, I had been doing the opposite of everything I had been doing in my stories. I'm still waiting for this dream to end. Surely it will right? He's too good to be true. Treats me like a queen. Honestly treats me like no man has ever done before. And I constantly ask him to treat me like shit intermittently so I know he's real. I feel like a total softy now. Completely and utterly crazy about this man. So I think the saying that you have to be happy with yourself before you can be happy with someone is true. It wasn't until I got over that last horrible boyfriend and got myself back together, did I not only become a truly happy person, but I found someone to be truly happy with.

     Now this story at the moment isn't ending on a happy note. He's leaving soon for a long time. I can't believe that the thing I've been waiting for my entire life. A relationship that's truly honest and real is going to come to a halt soon. It's crazy I know to fall for someone so quickly. But my feelings for him are genuine and unlike any I've ever had before. If he's not it for me then I'm completely crazy and will adopt 30 dogs(not cats because I'm allergic and let's be honest I don't like the little shits) and be a spinster forever. I want to wait for him, I want to wait because he's worth waiting for. He has my heart and I hope he comes back with it.

Where have you been all my li ife ife ife?  Love, Goose

ps. Ladies if a man sees you crying, listens to your feelings, wipes away your tears, tells you he loves you while looking deep into your eyes, and kisses you..... he's a keeper.

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