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Monday, April 30, 2012

Minor? (First chapter of my book)


The night I went to the Weezer concert was a disaster, but not a complete bust. I was bored and/or lonely afterwards and decided to go to this Latin club in Atlanta called Santo Domingo (wonder if it's still there? I'll have to Google it, because that place was the shit). Before going to the club I had to ditch the computer tech guy. I did the good ol' disappearing act on him, by getting in a mosh pit, making my way out of it to a beer vendor and shamelessly hid behind their trashcan. I knew I was in the clear when I saw him wondering around with a look of what I can only describe as the abandoned dog. I watched him exit the perimeter and felt like a total bitch for ditching him that way. I'm sure he dialed 911 and reported his curly headed fuck for a blind date missing. In my defense his picture on Myspace was pretty deceiving. I was taken with a web cam, at night, by only the glow of his monitor. He had a disheveled look about him which I love because it radiates the “I give a shit but don't want you to know that ” look. Which reminds me to go ahead and warn you in case you didn't already know this, but any guy that only has one picture, no matter how hot he may look in it is most likely ugly or old or married. Ok let me just go ahead and give you the rules of thumb I go by when it comes to Internet pictures. First of all, I go through all the pictures if less then ten, use what you can or more then ten just use ten random ones. If 70% or more you find him attractive in then you might have a winner, if 50% or less don't bother it'll just be a waste of time. Secondly if in every picture his shirt is off then the most you'll get out of it is sex, and that's after he's conned you paying for both of yálls dinner. Lastly he must show eyes and teeth in his pictures, if not, he's hiding something. If he is always in sunglasses doing extreme sports or extreme bathroom photos, he's either a.) hiding a lazy eye or b.) hiding the complete emptiness of his soul, which I can only assume he sold to the devil for those sunglasses because what normal jobless, student can afford Prada? If he doesn't show his teeth, they must be yellow, missing, or just jacked the fuck up, and you don't want to deal with any of those.

Back to the story sorry I like to rant. So yea felt like a big bitch for dumping him that way. But also feeling relieved I didn't have to spend one more second with him. I should have known by his job he'd be boring and play WOW all the time, my fault. I did my walk/drive of shame in my beat up 1988 Toyota Corolla a.k.a POS. POS (piece of shit) had absolutely no A/C unless you consider rolling down all four windows and driving 80mph on the highway A/C, if you do then yes POS had A/C. It also had a leaking windshield, which only mattered when it rained and I was sitting in some random apartment complex “borrowing” someone's wifi, so beach towels in POS was a must, even though the closest beach was 5 hours away, even the closest lake was 2 hours away. And of course like the wonderful mother I am there was always those big ass, overly obtrusive car seats in the back. This car was such a piece of shit that if I drove while it was raining the car wouldn't go faster then 35mph. And even if you're driving in the slow lane of I-75 you're going to get run over. So I took the chance of driving in the rain just to make sure I got some hot Latin ass that night.

So I'm cruising my top speed of 35mph, sweating my imaginary woman balls off, getting pounded in the face with rain as if I had a sunroof down. One hour and 15 miles later I reach my destination, Santo Domingo, my little slice of heaven. By this point in my life the doormen of Santo Domingo knew me, this was either because I was in there more then them or because I was always the only white girl or white person period that ever came in. Even the bartenders knew my preferred drink at the time.....Patron. Look if I'm going to get drunk I aim right for the jugular, balls to the walls, rock out with your cock out, or my imaginary cock and balls. I was so proud I could actually walk into a bar and say, “my usual please”.

With enough money to pay my entrance and one shot of Patron I did just that. Then set on my quest for free drinks from any man willing. Which in a Latin club could be quite a challenge since only about one in five of them speak English and Spanish. And my Spanish was as good as a 100 Mexicans in a Ford Ranger crossing the border without getting caught. Conversations normally went like this:

Me: Hola
Random Hispanic (RH): Hola, Como te llama?
Me: Sherra y tu?
RH: Jose Eduardo Gonzales Jesus Lopez Rojas Martinez
Me: Ok.......(make drink motion with hands and pray for the best)

A short, chubby like creature of mud mask complection finally observed my not so universal display of sign language and got me a drink. After a few minutes of trying to maintain a conversation I realize this fat fuck was married, I guess I would've realized sooner if my eyes weren't so glazed over by the thought of tequila. And it took that tequila shot to bolt me into reality. I had imagined her name was Lupe or Rosa, and they met at a local restaurant they worked at, falling in love over the deep fryer. But this didn't stop me from taking the second shot he offered because I was going to use the little tid bit of information to get rid of him...after I took another shot and before he asked me to dance. Smiling a brief moment to get pass the burning sensation of the tequila going down my throat I suddenly looked horrified. As I grabbed his hand in disgust I yelled. “Marrido!” I stormed off towards the dance floor before I could laugh. Ultimately to avoid contact with him I'd risk being the only white person not only in the club but the only one to be brave enough to grace the dance floor on reggaeton night.

In general I'm not scared of short men no matter how big they are. Because I have this false sense of muscular strength in my body. Which in reality is quite disappointing, and a tad shocking. In my mind it would be easy to beat up a man that's shorter then me even at that time of my life when I weighed a whopping 110 lbs. More afraid of a gay man that's an inch or two taller or shorter then me. Which I should have reason, we're more equal in most ways.

On my way into the middle of the dance floor everyone was staring at me, of course. I always go right into the center of the tight crowd not to be the center of attention but because I don't want as many people seeing me. So essentially I hide in the middle like there's a gunman on the edge of the dance floor willing to shoot the worst dancers ie. me. Think of Dancing With The Stars but the judges have AK-47s. Just FYI I know how to dance now and I do professionally once I have a series of Vegas Bombs in my system. (Vegas also the name of my car, what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, except if there's a mess, that's a no go.) As I'm “dancing” this tall guy started dancing with me. At the time I don't know if I really thought he was cute or it was the tequila goggles, so we'll just say he was. We made out of course on the dance floor, not ashamed might I add. This tall, cute guy actually spoke a fair amount of English, so the conversation was much easier with him then most at this venue. Mynor was his name, and he was tall like I said, dark hair and eyes, wore glasses, and dressed impeccably (this at times has thrown me off because someone dressing like this normally means they're gay, but that's only in the states, from my years of experience I later realized most foreign men, especially European men all dress in the “gay”fashion) . I find glasses on men sexy, mysterious, and gives them the illusion of intelligence, this does not apply to sunglasses, especially at night and in a club. We danced and danced until I sweat out almost all of my tequila, and needed more. My strategy is to get wasted early in the night, but not throw up wasted and just maintain. Then slowly sober up before driving home. It's my way of being responsible, you know so I won't do any ugly men. He saw the desperation for a drink, it must've been the twinkle in my eye as I looked on towards the bar. Finally! He offered me a drink. Another way that I'm a responsible adult is that I always follow the guy buying me a drink for a few reasons

  1. I don't want to be roofied, and have to explain to my mother from jail why I licked the cop arresting illegal immigrants at the bar I'm at while screaming, “Celia Cruz is the Queen of Salsa”
  2. So they don't get me a well drink, because that's the quickest way to the bathroom from either puking or the ring of fire(term used for ass pee, wicked sting ring can also be used) and
  3. To make sure they pay AND tip, tip because I want the bartenders to continue liking me and therefore never spitting in my drinks.
    It never dawned on me that only 21 & older had on wristbands. I guess I assumed (drunken assumption) that since I was 21 everyone else had to be too. Wrong.

Mynor and I started dating, and I ignored all the little red flags popping up. It was quite convenient for me that he lived an hour or so away, no one could be needy in this relationship. We decided to be exclusive, well I'd already had a boyfriend so it was as exclusive as it could be on my part. Weeks went by, and I was always disappointed with the sex because he was apparently very inexperienced. Which didn't totally bother me because my other boyfriend was. His inexperience was quite charming along with his super sweet disposition. So one boyfriend was entertaining me at some point of the day, I was starting to feel like I needed to make a decision between the two. This is the only time in my life I've ever had this dilemma. Two boyfriends is too much work. The day the choice was made, Mynor called me and asked to come over to talk. I knew this couldn't be good, but it couldn't be bad either. I had just met his family from Guatemala when they were in town visiting the week before. Did you know Guatemalans call themselves “Chapins”? Yea me neither.

I was living with my gay ex-husbands, single mother of one, aunt, Gerri and her one Noel. Noel was just a few years younger then me, so when I moved in we instantly became close. We shared almost everything, well more like her sharing everything because I was always broke. We'd cover for each other, go on trips to Florida, she'd watch my two lil ones during my late night escapades, and I'd do her chores. It was perfect. She introduced me to several of her friends including Albie, the former Abercrombie & Fitch model, boy was he hot! I'll have to get to him later.

Mynor arrived and we went into Noel's room to talk. There is no way to have a serious conversation in my room no matter where it's at. There's always clothes strewn everywhere and skeleton's of Starbucks left on the dresser. Plus in my room there's only three things I ever want to happen in there, sleep, have sex and read...in that order then repeat. I knew I wasn't getting laid this day and if I was it would have to be in the floor in the hallway or the bathroom sink. The thought of rug burn on my ass or knees is just as appealing as having to puke in a public bathroom at a country/western bar on a line dance night while hearing “Boot, Scoot and Boogy”in the background. And leg cramps from bathroom sex is a no go, I like my sex to be comfortable not convenient. Sitting on the end of Noel's bed I could tell he looked sad. He proceeded to tell me I needed someone older, that could take care of me. Totally puzzled because he in no way had ever provided for me. Ready for the shocker? Sitting down?

“I don't paint during the day like I told you. I'm actually 18 not 20 and I'm a senior in high school. I can't do this to you anymore.” I'd love to see my face at that moment. Just picture a midget with a camera that waits in your closet and pops out to capture moments just like these. Those pictures of expressions I'd hang on my wall as art.

Midget hiding in closet: $10/hr
Camera: $300
Look on your face when you find out your boyfriend still buys carton milks at SCHOOL: priceless.

I cried for a moment but not because I was sad he broke up with me but that I had a high school boyfriend and I wasn't in high school. And to top it off I got duped, by a kid. I did the only thing I could do, call Noel. She laughed considerably. Once her laughter was slightly subdued I asked her if she wanted me to hook her up with him, since they were in the same graduating class. Prom maybe?

 Sex Partner Number: 7

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